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The plugin supports two modes of operation, reflecting the static-templ modes. The resulting output is the same in both cases, but the choice depends on your preferences for content management and resulting URLs.

Inline Mode

This is the default method. It involves setting up a Go module project in the root folder of your VitePress project, with the templ files alongside your markdown content files.

The resulting URLs will be in the form of /components/button or /components/dropdown.

  1. Initialize a new Go project within the VitePress project root folder docs as you would for a normal templ project. Refer to the official documentation.

    cd docs
    go mod init components_demo
    go get
  2. Create a components folder within ./docs and structure your documentation pages accordingly.

The resulting project structure should look like this:

├── docs
  ├─ .vitepress
  └─ config.js
  ├─ components
  ├─ button
  ├─ button-demo.templ
  ├─ dropdown
  ├─ dropdown-demo.templ
  ├─ go.mod
  ├─ go.sum
└─ package.json


This website is built using inline mode. The code is available in the GitHub repository and can be used as a reference.

Bundle mode

This method involves setting up a new Go module project in a subfolder of your VitePress project.

The resulting URLs will be in the form of /components/button.html or /components/dropdown.html.

  1. Create a templ-preview folder within ./docs containing your templ project.

  2. Initialize a new Go project within it as you would for a normal templ project. Refer to the official doc.

    cd templ-preview
    go mod init templ-preview
    go get
  3. Create a demos folder to store your templ files

The resulting project structure should look like this:

├─ docs
  ├─ .vitepress
  └─ config.js
  ├─ components
  ├─ templ-preview
  └─ demos
     └─ button-demo.templ
     └─ dropdown-demo.templ
  └─ go.mod
  └─ go.sum
└─ package.json


If you are interested in bundle working mode, there is a sample project in the GitHub repository that you can use as a reference. Check it out here.


The following table lists the configurable options for the viteTemplPreviewPlugin. These options allow you to customize the plugin's behavior according to your project's needs. Most of these options are the same as those accepted by static-templ.

goProjectDirstring.The base directory where your Go templ project is located. Default to the vitepress project root folder.
modestringinlineThe working mode for the plugin: inline or bundle.
inputDirstringcomponentsThe directory relative to goProjectDir where your .templ files are located.
outputDirstringoutputThe directory relative to goProjectDir where the generated HTML files will be placed.
debugbooleanfalseWhether or not to keep the static-templ generation script after completion.
runTemplGeneratebooleantrueWhether the plugin should run the templ generate command for you.
cacheSizenumber100The maximum number of files to cache.

To configure these options, set the values in your VitePress configuration file as shown below:

// .vitepress/config.mts
import { defineConfig } from "vitepress";
import viteTemplPreviewPlugin from "vitepress-templ-preview";

export default defineConfig({
  /* ... */
  vite: {
    plugins: [
        // goProjectDir: "",
        // mode: "inline",
        // inputDir: "components",
        // outputDir: "output",
        // debug: false,
        // runTemplGenerate: true,
        // cacheSize: 100,
  /* ... */

Released under the MIT License.